
International Congress on Turkish Geography Social Sciences Research IV

International Congress on Turkish Geography Social Sciences Research  IV is a "Social Sciences and Education Sciences" congress.

The local organizing committee would like to invite you to the International Congress on Turkish Geography Social Sciences Research  IV (ICTWSSR’2024-Tashkent) which will be held between 25-26 October 2024 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

The congress presentation languages are Turkish, and  Turkish dialects.

Congress Topics

Our Congress will be organized with different themes that are relevant to the Turkish Geography each year.

International Congress on Turkish Geography Social Sciences Research  IV is a "Social Sciences and Education Sciences" congress

The following basic science areas can be accepted as long as they relate to the countries of the Turkish Geography and social sciences:

  • Sustainable, Balanced and Inclusive Growth
  • Education
  • Economy and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship and Business
  • Law
  • Contact
  • Health, Sports, Tourism
  • History
  • Society and Culture
  • Geography
  • Silk Road and the Turkish Geography Countries Economic Problems
  • Social Problems
  • Women's Studies
  • Youth Problems
  • Interactions and Relationships
  • Environmental Issues
  • Religion and Faith Matters
  • Folklore Research
  • Art Studies
  • Studies in Art History
  • Archaeological Studies
  • Issue Joint Training
  • Community Relations and Neighboring Countries
  • Media Studies
  • Transportation Issues
  • Turkish Geography Countries Between Technological Invention and Technology Transfer
  • Agricultural Economy
  • Education
  • Information Management
  • Economy and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship and Business
  • Management and Organization
  • Law
  • Contact
  • Health
  • Sport
  • Tourism
  • History
  • Culture
  • Geography
  • Accountancy and Finance
  • Statistics and Numerical Methods
  • Public administration
  • Sociology
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Marketing
  • Production
  • Political science and International Relations
  • Ethical and Moral Values
  • Anthropological Studies
  • Science Philosophy and Methodology
  • Language and Literature
  • Turkish culture
  • Language and Literature
  • Silk Road and Economic Problems
  • Social Problems
  • Women's Studies
  • Youth Issues
  • Environmental problems
  • Religion and Beliefs
  • Folklore Studies
  • Art Works
  • Art History Studies
  • Archeology Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Transportation Problems
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Teaching Turkish to Foreigners

Awards and Publications Opportunities

The "best papers" awards will be given among the full text notices sent to the congress. The best prizes will be evaluated in each area separately. The awards will be determined according to the blind referee system.


Researcher of the year of ICTGSSR’2024
(Conditions: to be congress participant, to be 40 or more years of age, to apply with CV)


Young Researcher of the year of ICTGSSR’2024
(Conditions: to be congress participant, to be 40 or less years of age, to apply with CV)


Special award of the year of ICTGSSR’2024
( Proffered papers / for short speeches)


Poster awards
( First, Second, Third)


Oral presentation award ( First, Second, Third)

All awards will be held during the congress award ceremony will be presented to interested parties.
Awards deemed to have waived those who participate in the award ceremony.

Important Dates


June 30, 2024


You will be informed about the results after abstract review as soon as possible. If your abstract is accepted, we will sent an invitation letter.


October 25-26, 2024

The End of
the Submission of
Days Remain
The Start of
the Submission of
Full Text
Days Remain
The Start of
the Congress

Days Remain
The End of
the Congress

Days Remain